Detailed Road map of Mpumalanga Province (South Africa) published by MapStudio. This detailed map covers the panoramic road and Kruger National Park. On the back, detailed map of Kruger National Park with tourist indications (accommodation, activities etc ...) and small photos also included. P>
Plans Included: Pilgrims Rest, Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Belfast, Machadadorp, Sudwala Caves, Sabie, Waterval - Boven, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Barberton, Blyde River Canyon, and Limpopo Park. Table of distances and many GPS points on the map. P>
Scale 1/200 000 (1 cm = 2 km). p>
ISBN/EAN : 9781776170630
Publication date: 2023
Scale: 1/200,000 (1cm=2km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 25 x 13 x 0.3cm
Unfolded dimensions: 100 x 69cm
Language(s): English
Poids :
84 g